Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This is odd

Well we have our plan. I will fly back to Victoria the first week of October to have two embryos transfered. Mike will stay home so we don't have to pay for another flight and well he's too nervous to come in for the transfer anyways. So there we have it I will fly off to try to get husband needed. How weird is that, getting pregant doesn't require hubby anymore just Dr. H and his team. The whole concept of having sex and getting pregnant actually seems like some strange concept that only works in a place i don't live LOL.

Oh yeah and I heard back from my new friend who was doing the IVF at the same time as me. She had her pregnancy test on Monday and it was POSITIVE! I'm super happy for her and hope her babies stay around for a very long time. Today would have been my pregnancy test if I'd had my transfer on the 13th as planned. Ah well I'm good at waiting after all we've done of it so far...well sort of good. I am glad I'll be healthy for the transfer this time though.

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