Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Almost there

Well the good new is I only have to inject one med tonight, not three and likely for the last time. The bad news is I think I look like an IV drug user...oh well it's all for a good cause. No one can get blood out of my right arm anymore so my left arm is full of marks and bruises. I'm off for one more blood draw in the morning, hopefully my last for a while. Today the doctor said I wouldn't have to take two of my meds anymore and I might be able to do the trigger shot tonight which would mean egg retrieval on Saturday. I was actually more excited than nervous about the retrieval which surprised me. They sent me home with the trigger shot and a whole pile of things I have to take after retrieval. They said they'd call later with the bloodtest results and instructions on how to give myself the injection of the trigger shot. I had the meds with me while sightseeing so I could understand the directions and I even turn down a whale watching trip today so as to avoid a phone conversation about fertility treatments while on a boat with 10 strangers. Anyways they called and said not tonight and come in the morning for more retrieval will be Sunday or later. Still getting close!

I have thought about what it would be like if this will be unimaginably difficult after all we have gone through and spent. I'm not going to dwell on will be a huge disappointment no matter what so I'm going allow myself to be excited for now.

I'm feeling more peaceful about the rest of the procedures which is nice.


  1. I just keep thinking there is definitely good reason to hope. As long as you get good quality embies there's no reason one can't implant nicely and stick for nine months! Heidi

  2. Thanks Heidi. Yes everything looks pretty good so far.
