Monday, August 9, 2010

Good and Bad

Well I had my egg retrieval yesterday. They said I wouldn't feel pain just some pressure. was painful and my veins are hard to find for the IV too. The nurse tried twice to put the IV line in and she couldn't...this hurt a ton. Then the doctor came in and put freezing on my other hand...he got the line in and I didn't feel it. They got 22 eggs which is a very high wonder I'm hurting!

They are doing eveything possible to prevent OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome-a potentially bad complication where fluid builds up in all sorts of places it shouldn't). I'm on fluid restrictions to prevent fluid building up in my body. I can only drink one litre of gatorade and one can of V8 per day. I'm quite sore and hurts to walk around. I also have a ton of things I'm taking post retreival.

And the good news is that we talked to the lab director today and out of 22 eggs, 20 were mature and 19 fertilized. This is a great fertilization rate. Tomorrow we will hear how many embryos we have and how they are doing.

I also have to go in every morning for an IV calcium infusion which helps prevent OHSS. I was worried about the IV going in again but Dr. H God bless him, did the IV using freezing and it was ok. We had to hang out for an hour while the stuff dripped through. The nurse was really nice and gave me a can of gingerale. She said it would be ok to have one a day in addtion to the gatorade and V8. This made me very's hard to drink so little.

Well soon we'll know the status of our embryos...grow little guys grow!

1 comment:

  1. 19 embies that is awesome Yvonne!! Praying they can hold off the ohss and hope you feel better soon girl. Heidi
