Monday, June 14, 2010

My mom

Well my mom is very supportive of our plans and wants to know the latest updates. She had her children in the 60s and 70s and doesn't know anything about all high tech fertility treatments out there. She hates it when I use abbreviations so I try not to but I still forget and say IVF and pcos...she's caught on to IVF I think!

The other day she was asking me about how some of the things would work and then she was asking if I'd have to refridgerate the medications while we travel. I said I thought maybe but I wasn't sure if the first motel we stay at has a fridge in the room. Mom said I could ask them to put the medication in a motel fridge. I mentioned that there was no way I'd let the meds out of my sight as they are so expensive, mom asked how much they cost. When I told her at least $2000-$3000 she was kinda shocked and said she maybe wouldn't complain about her $25 prescriptions. We're actually fortunate with my pcos I'll likely needs less meds and so have a lower cost than some.

Well mom may not get the details of the treatment but she's a good listener and I'm glad to have her. I haven't talked at all to my father in law about it...wonder what he thinks?

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