Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Getting sort of better

Well day two of injections went better. I was more confident and figured out a bit better way of doing things. It took less time too and I still had a supportive friend there which was great. I am also having a reaction to one of the meds though. From Monday's injection I still have a large red area all around the injection site and it still hurts to touch it two days later. I asked the clinic about it and they got back to me just after yesterdays injection saying it's common and to try taking benadryl beforehand and using ice. I did lots of ice yesterday and the reaction from yesterday seems less red/sore but still there. I'll do benadryl today. They said if it gets worse they may have to switch me to a different med. I don't really want that because I have a whole supply of a very expensive medication and what happens if I need to switch? Hoping and praying these reactions fade away. Otherwise I'm going to start running out of places to inject. Hmmm starting to think there are more fun ways to conceive! Ah well fun is over rated anyways...this is an adventure right?

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