Friday, April 22, 2011


I'm normally a pretty hopeful and easy going person but I must admit that this IVF stuff has been making me very anxious. I can start feeling anxious and then it can last for days and be there 24/7.

I was feeling ok until I had my phone consult with the doctor last week. The conversation was ok and then after I got off the phone with him I felt very actually surprised me. It was the same a few days later when I went to the phamacy to order my meds and they gave me a huge bag of needles. What put me way over the edge was reading online about the endometrial biopsy and some people's very bad experiences with it. This brought on full on panic, I feel like I'm going to be sick, and I'm sooo anxious and nothing I can do will bring it down not prayer or anything else. The anxiety was there all the time and I know my thoughts were not helping at all. I tried to pray and figure out how to deal with it but I wasn't getting anywhere.

This week met with a counselor to get some strategies to deal with anxiety. She is Christian psychologist and she actually was really helpful in giving me some practical strategies to deal with the physical symptoms of anxiety, my thoughts, and how my faith relates.

It felt better just to know there were somethings to try, I started trying them in the night when I woke up and couldn't sleep. I did some of the breathing exercises, and other techniques that slowed and calmed me down, then focused on the things that I know and are good about myself, my life, and Jesus...who he is in my life.

The anxiety is sitll there but way less so that's good! We decided I'd meet with her again only if I felt I needed it. Hopefully I won't end up back there in a couple of months asking for help with processsing grief!!

Well it's a day off today (Good Friday) and time to focus my thoughts on Jesus my awesome saviour who gave his life for mine!

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